Monday, April 16, 2012

The Wow Factor

Recently, Hubby and I took on a project. We are helping our family face-lift their house. (Check back for pictures and how-tos.) This dresser, however, I felt desereved it's very own post. In every home project, there is the Wow peice that turns out better than you even expected it too. This dresser was a $50 Craigslist find. It was in desperate need of some TLC.

Here is what we did... First, a major cleaning. It had been in a storage unit for a while and was very grimy. After, we used this orange paint. Leaving the top unfinished,we brushed the paint on in a criss-cross fashion, making it look a little more worn and weathered. Once the orange was dry, I used a product called Stain and Seal on both the unfinished top and on the orange. I painted it on with a brush and then wiped it with a cloth. The idea is to wipe it off more in some areas than others, creating the old weathered and dirty look. Some great hardware and this dresser looks amazing!

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