Friday, May 18, 2012

Baby Legs!

So, as promised, here is another baby gift idea. These things are so awesome! I did not use baby legs with my first two kiddos, but I did with my little girl - they are so great! For those who aren't familiar with these staple items, they are essentially leggings for babies without the butt - so like 80's leg warmers.

You can change a diaper without completely undressing the bottom half of baby. This is great for the Midwest where there are actually chilly times. Here in Texas, they are great knee protection for crawlers and you don't have to wrestle pants back on after diaper changes! And, since they are made from adult knee socks (or child knee socks for the newborns), your options are almost endless!

 There are tutorials everywhere on the inter-web, so I won't bore you with the how-to. I will, however, save you the time - mine are $9/ pair (shipping included) or 3 for $21! Email me at

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Babies, babies, babies!

Everyone is having babies right now! (Thankfully that does not include me - my cup currently runneth over.) Anyway, I have several baby gifts to give and I am always looking for something unique and homemade. Because of this awesome little baby boom, I will be posting a variety of baby gift ideas in the near future.

I saw these little tag blankets at a baby boutique recently. They were charging a lot for what I knew I had on hand in my craft closet. Aren't they cute? My little one loves chewing on and playing with the little ribbons and then cuddling with the softer part.

I am charging $15 (including shipping) if you are interested in one of these little blankies for a gift or your little one! Email me at

If you are interested in purchasing one of these little gems, they are $15 (shipping included!). Email me at!